I don’t know if it’s a generational thing. I think of my grandparents who died at 93 & 94 yrs old, saving money for that rainy day. Maybe they were of the mindset that they should leave something behind for their family ~ and perhaps they did. Sure they took vacations, but mostly they were vacations to see family. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with seeing family ~ in fact, it’s important. But there is a whole big, huge world out there with many interesting places to see and people to meet! I for one don’t want nor do I intend to miss out on that. I CAN tell you that I don’t expect ANYTHING from my parents. They love to travel and I want them to be able to see everything in the world they want to see ~ so if that means they leave me a PENNY after they pass, then so be it! I’ll be lucky and happy to get that penny. Perhaps I’ll frame it next to a picture of them from one of their vacations! Just like you, I’m not made of money, but I work hard for a living, I
deserve much needed time off, and darn it ~ I’m gonna take it. You may be thinking “Sure, you get deals from everyone because you are a Travel Agent”. That is not always true and mostly I pay just like you do for the same vacation and once in a while I luck out and may get a small discount.
I find myself lying in bed thinking of all the places I want to see. Sure, I could save for years and MAYBE someday take that World Cruise of 100+ days. But I would rather see the world now and if that means seeing it in small doses, then small doses it is. I refuse to just sit down and watch life happen all around me. Life is hard enough. Make the most of it. Live happy ~ Live NOW!
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